Urological and urogynecological issues can occur at every stage of the life of women and men, and for the most diverse reasons. Cystitis, pelvic pain, disorders such as erectile dysfunction or vaginal dryness significantly affect people’s lives, imposing limits to their normal daily activities. Organised to take stock of the therapeutic innovation, prevention and management of these conditions, this year the EAU (European Association of Urology) congress – the largest European meeting in the urological field – will be held in Amsterdam, from 1 to 4 July 2022. IBSA will be present with its own stand, and will present its urogynecological portfolio, which includes a wide range of products, to meet different types of needs.
IBSA at the EAU 2022: commitment, impact and innovation in the urogynecological field

Cystitis and pelvic pain are disorders that can be treated with GAG replenishment therapy – a treatment with glycosaminoglycans – indicated in case of recurrent cystitis, as an alternative to antibiotic prophylaxis, with a preventive function, (chronic) interstitial cystitis or other types of cystitis.
IBSA has developed a medical device for bladder instillation that helps restore glycosaminoglycans (GAGs, polysaccharides involved in numerous cellular regulation processes and which make up the urothelium wall), also – and above all – with a view to prevention.
Cystitis, especially if chronic, is in fact a highly disabling disorder, which can also have significant psychological repercussions (suffice it to say that interstitial cystitis is related to a high rate of depression and mental disorders). In many cases, moreover, this condition needs to be managed through a multidisciplinary approach that, in addition to a drug therapy, also includes the use of topical treatments, physiotherapy, a balanced diet and supplementation with nutraceutical products. In the latter case, IBSA has also developed a supplement, as an add-on to support intravesical therapy.
In the field of women’s health, IBSA offers solutions for problems such as inflammation and vaginal dryness or atrophy with products that help improve the symptoms and restore a more serene management of the disorders.
The same is true in the area of men’s health, a field where IBSA has introduced an innovative solution to the treatment of erectile dysfunction. This therapeutic approach in orodispersible film represents an innovation from the formulation perspective, since it simplifies the intake and improves the adherence to therapy. In addition, it also offers a guarantee of authenticity and safety, since it’s a difficult pharmaceutical form to counterfeit.

In this regard, it’s important to remember that the drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (along with antibiotics) are the most commonly counterfeited drugs. This phenomenon particularly concerns tablets, the easiest pharmaceutical form to “imitate”. On the contrary, the production of orodispersible films requires a high level of competence and specificity in production, both in terms of infrastructures and raw materials, for which reason it’s much more complicated to obtain counterfeit drugs. As early as 2020, IBSA had launched a campaign against the phenomenon of drug counterfeiting, a commitment that still continues today.
IBSA’s innovation in the urogynecological field does not stop with pharmaceutical products and medical devices, but also includes training for specialists.
Among the various activities and solutions, IBSA launched ialuadapter®, a medical device that allows urology specialists to instil glycosaminoglycans into the bladder without the use of a traditional catheter. Several are the advantages, first and foremost a less invasive procedure, which minimises pain and allows for the concomitant treatment of bladder and urethra. The device is simple and immediate to use, thanks to ialuAPP®, a digital app that gives the specialists all the information they need, from GAG replenishment therapy to specific product information, with training videos and tutorials that guide the doctor in the correct use of the device.

Finally, IBSA continues to support medical education by organising webinars and scientific in-depth activities both set up by IBSA itself and in collaboration with some of the major scientific societies. The partnership with the European Society for Sexual Medicine – with which IBSA has already started a continuous training project, with webinars dedicated to sexual health, in particular male, dealing with erectile dysfunction and more – falls within this context. The next appointment is for July 7, with an event that will be followed by further interesting meetings on the treatment of cystitis organised with other companies, such as SIUD (Società Italiana di Urodinamica, Italian Society of Urodynamics) and ICS (International Continence Society).